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Shock II. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Access options. Buy single article. Instant access to the full article PDF. Price includes VAT (Ukraine) References. Adv Cardiovasc Phys, 1983,5:II:16-52. Author information. Authors and Affiliations. Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, and Laboratory for Experimental and Clinical Immunology, University of Amsterdam, postbus 9190, 1006, AD Amsterdam. G. J. Wolbink, A. Eerenberg & C. E. Hack. Department of Medical Oncology, Free University Hospital, Amsterdam, Netherlands. J. W. Baars & J. Wagstaff. Dept. of Haematology, University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, 98 Chenies Mews, WC1E 6HX, London, UK. R. W. Faint, I. J. Mackie & S. J. Machin. Dept. of Anaesthetics, University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, 98 Chenies Mews, WC1E 6HX, London, UK. Department of Critical Care, Evangelismos Hospital, 45, Ipsilantou Str, 115 21, Athens, Greece. C. Routsi, S. Zakynthinos, B. Haviaras, A. Mavromatis, A. Armaganidis, B. Kadas & Ch. Roussos. Service de Réanimation Médicale, Hôpital Raymond Poincaré, 92380, Garches, France. D. Annane, F. Paraire & J. C. Raphaël. Department of Anesthesiology, Gävle Hospital, S-80187, Sweden. L. Lind, J. Mälstam & G. Skoog. Service de Réanimation Médicale, Université Paris-Sud, Hôpital de Bicêtre, 78 Rue du Général Leclerc, 94275, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France. J. -L. Teboul, J. Depret, N. Leger, D. Douguet, M. Zelter, A. Mercat & Ch. Richard. Intensive Care Unit, Calmette Hospital, 59035, Lille, France. F. Saulnier, A. Durocher, G. Cadelis, F. Herengt, F. Wattel, F. Saulnier & J. N. Drault. Clinic for Anesthesiology, University Ulm, Steinhövelstr.9, 7900, Ulm, Germany. Kugler B., Träger K., Holland M., Schricker Th. & Georgieff M. Department of General Internal Medicine, Medical Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Leiden, PO Box 9600, 2300, RC Leiden, Netherlands. R. G. J. Westendorp, A. N. Roos, M. Frölich & A. E. Meinders. Aerospace Medical Centre, Soesterberg, The Netherlands. Institut für Experimentelle Chirurgie der Technischen, Universität München, Ismaningerstr.22, D-8000, Munich 80, FRG. M. Lichtwarck-Aschoff, J. Aschenbrenner, G. Zimmermann, U. J. Pfeiffer, G. Blümel, S. Leucht, H. W. Kisch & R. Goller. Nuklearmedizinische Klinik,der Technischen Universität, München. Intensive Therapy Unit, Whipps Cross Hospital, E11-1NR, Leytonstone, London, UK. A. T. Lovell & G. C. Hanson. Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000, Odense C, Denmark. P. J. Jensen, P. K. Andersen & C. Thøgersen. Dep. ICU, Univ, Hospital Ghent, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000, Gent, Belgium. J. I. Poelaert, J. A. Everaert, D. P. Vogelaers, J. M.
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