Blood Tyrant (Conflux) - Community - Gatherer - Magic: The Gathering
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Blood Tyrant.
It's easy to look at the second ability and think, this is just for free for alls." But it's not.
I mean, it's better in that situation, but it's still good in duels.
It's a 5/5 with flying and trample that grows by 2/2 every turn, and takes one life from the opponent every time it does that.
It also hurts you, but with this guy on the field, that's not important.
The game will be over very soon if this guy isn't answered quickly.
No matter how many opponents you have.
That, mind you, is the biggest flaw with this guy, and also the biggest balancing factor.
He has no way to avoid removal, and he costs 7 mana in three colors.
In large games, that keeps this from being an automatic win.
If there are enough players to make this insane, there are plenty of players to get rid of it.
Too bad he is not legendary.
I would LOVE to run him as an EDH General.
I guess Ill just have to stick with Thrax for Grixis.
It's a shame.
Dealt with this dude when me and my buddies were doing a 10 player mana rush free-for-all.
by the time he delivered the final blow to the last surviving player, he was a 347/347 thanks to all the buffs the dude was throwing on the tryrant.
This is exactly why white has good removal.
It all makes sense now.
Otherwise, we would never get Path to Exile.
Just think of this as a Carnophage that hits your opponent too, that gains power from the damage, AND has flying/trample.
I played this for the first time in a 5-on-5 team match.
He gained +10/+10 each turn.
The only thing that really stands out as this card's fault are the abilities that make it so good.
As soon as it hits the field and someone sees what it does, the entire focus of the game becomes "oh !@#$, now where's that Pacifism or Stasis Cell or Mystic Restrants?
I need to stop this thing as a first priority!" Therefore, when playing in a big multyplayer match, this card is almost instantly destroyed as it comes out.
Even then, unless you're playing with some really ***y opponents, you are now the first person everyone is trying to kill, so be prepared for some hell to come flying your way.
Honestly, have a good counter card ready to play when you bring this guy out, or you can almost assure yourself that it'll be killed within two turns (if not instantly).
Good card, well, GREAT card, but be prepared for some angry l.
Blood Tyrant hack