Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia for Android - Download the APK from Uptodown
Download the APK of Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia for Android for free.

Return to Utopia to conquer it all.

Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia is a third-person...

Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia.

Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia is a third-person shooter with tinges of RPG gameplay.

Players are set to battle onwards in the conquest of planet Utopia -- now a burning inferno dominated by monstrous giants, robot assassins and gangs of low-lifes.

The first game in this saga was initially just a 'clicker', but this time around the creators have thrown in a completely new twist.

Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia is the first third-person shooter within this series of a games.

Its control systems are very simple.

Swiping left has you moving around within each level, while swiping right gets you to shoot.

Your objective in each of the levels in Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia is to wipe out any enemies that pop up along your way.

This task will generally take you anywhere from 1 to 2 full minutes of play.

As you beat increasingly difficult levels, you'll get to unlock new additional content.

Pick out new aids, bigger and better weapons, new accessories and much more.

Evolution 2 Battle for Utopia is a fun action game.

With its eye-popping graphics, and a fine-tuned, original control system this game was built for handheld tactile devices -- like your smartphone.

But if all that still wasn't enough, they've also thrown in a social component allowing for you to set up quick matches with your buddies online.


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